Friday, August 27, 2021

da Vinci's Little Angels Learn How to Make Charya Dance Steps

Nepal Oregon News reporter

Portland, (Nepal Oregon News):  A summer programming that gave little students access to the magic of ballet and other dances of   different countries was organized by Oregon Ballet Theatre (OBT)'s Education and Community Engagement department.

According to Oregon Ballet Theatre's online newsletter, kindergarten through fifth grade students tried their toes in Folklore Ballet, traditional Nepali dance, Afro-Brazilian dance and Hula.

Each class celebrated the diversity of people and culture that make up dance, the online newsletter further said.

Rev Guruju Prajwal Vajracharya of Portland's Nritya Mandala Mahavihara was quoted as saying in the OPB's online newsletter:"I very much enjoyed teaching students classical Nepalese dance Charya Nritya. It requires much concentration and discipline to learn this dance. The students loved Hand Mudras -- magical hand and feet movements that facilitate the flow of energy that connect the body. It was enjoyable to share dance of Nepal."

During the summer classes taken by Rev Guruju Prajwal  at da Vinci Arts Middle School in north east Portland on July 20, 27 and Aug 3, he gave little students a basic introduction about Nepal, its rich culture, arts and traditions.

Guru Prajwal threw light about the hand mudra and dance movements of the Charya Nritya to  little  kids in a playful manner.

"It was a matter of great satisfaction for me, and for Nritya Mandala Mahavihara to have an opportunity to teach little kids the age-old esoteric dances of Nepal," Guru Prajwal told Nepal Oregon News. 

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