Thursday, April 22, 2021

Second and Advanced Teaching on Padmasambhava Charya Nritya

Rabin Man Shakya

Portland, (Nepal Oregon News) : An impromptu second and advanced Charya Nritya teaching on Padmasambhava was organized in the zoom on Saturday, April 17, 2021 by the Dance Mandal Hong Kong.

Om ah hum vajra guru padma siddhi hum is the Vajra Guru Mantra related to Padmasambhava, guru Prajwal Vajracharya who is also co-founder of Nritya Mandala Mahavihara, said at the virtual gathering participated by 15 people from Hong Kong and other countries.

Vajracharya said that Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) is a totally enlightened being, a fully awakened one, a Buddha.

Complete transformation from darkness into the light, purifying your mind, body and spirit is very important, said Prajwal.

Prajwal went on saying:"Guru Rinpoche who created the early constitution of Tibet also gave necessary advice to the King of Tibet at that time."

The second teaching on Padmasambhava Charya Nritya was an advanced one that dealt with subtle and intricate aspects of the Charya dance and its steps. 

The teaching also manifested different hand and finger mudras and artistic movement of legs.

Charya dance is a meditational dance that tells stories of the inner qualities and awakening of Buddhist deities, said Guru Prajwal.

The dance teaching not only demonstrated enlightened qualities through gestures but it also manifested the facial and eye expressions and physical movements.

The advanced Charya Nritya teaching zeroed in on the dance movements and, according to Guru Prajwal, the participants have to go into a meditative state and let their body flow in movements.   

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