Thursday, January 28, 2021

Dharani Recitation Contributing to Protection of Heritage

Nepal Oregon News reporter

Many Portlanders and people across America and abroad have been practicing Dharani recitation at Nritya Mandala Mahavihara (NMM) in Portland, USA on a weekly basis continuously for over a year.

In the beginning, Dharani recitation was conducted in person at the Mahavihara  in 2019 but soon after the coronavirus pandemic, the Dharini recitation was conducted through the zoom.

There is no doubt that the NMM's Dharani recitation - which is the only one chanting program of this kind in the West - has proved to be a significant leap forward in contributing to the protection of heritage.

Dharani recitation was always led and chanted by Pundit Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya of the Mahavihara followed by other participants.

A regular Dharani recitation was held on Tuesday, Jan 26, 2021 by the Mahavihara on the zoom. In the beginning, Guru Bandana was chanted by Guruju Prajwal.

After that, Graha Dasha Ya Paath, Saptavidhan Puja - The Seven Limb Prayer (from the Bhadracharya desana),Dharani (Buddha, Bodhisatvas's Mantra and Dharanipada) recitation and Prajnaparamita Hridayam Sutra were chanted by  Sangha member Naveena Shakya followed by other participants.

Zoom participants included Dr Tina Ho (Hong Kong), Hom Shrestha (Canada), Dina Shakya (California), Matt Bourgeois, Gabriel Quitslund, Uppa Shakya (Oregon).

Earlier, speaking about Dharma awareness among the youth, Pundit Prajwal Vajracharya stressed the need for parents' encouragement and involvement in inculcating the value of Dharma on youths' mind.

Throwing light on the role of Dharma in the everyday life of human beings, pundit Vajracharya also added that it can help in many ways to reduce the impact of stress and pressure of life.

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