Monday, February 4, 2019

Non-resident Nepalese Association (NRNA)-NCC-USA Oregon Chapter Organizes Free Health Camp for Nepalese Community in Portland, America

By Dr Rabin Man Shakya

Portland, Feb 4 (Nepal Oregon News): A free health camp and membership drive program was organized by Non-resident Nepalese Association-National Coordination Committee USA- Oregon Chapter at Nekusing Memorial Theater (US West Coast Taekwondo Hollywood) in Portland on Saturday Feb 2, 2019.

Prof Dr Robert Kaneko,  Dr Sarah Krakauer and other five team medical members treated over sixty Nepalese Portlanders - in what was the first ever  health camp in Portland for members of the Nepalese community - in five hours for free  of charge, Diwakar Maharjan, owner and school director of Hollywood Taekwondo School and president of NRNA-NCC-USA Oregon Chapter told a journalist from Nepal Oregon News.

Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body. It is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine.

The health camp program was attended by activists of NRNA-NCC-USA Oregon Chapter, Nepaa Chhen, Nepali Association of Oregon, representative of Nepal Oregon News and scores of other Nepalese Portlanders.

On the occasion, brief presentations were made by Prof Dr Robert Kaneko, an acupuncture doctor and Dr Sarah Krakauer, a women's care expert.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof Dr Kaneko underlined the importance of acupuncture therapy and said that it has a written history of 2000 years.

Dr Kaneko went on to say that the history of acupuncture in the USA is related with the arrival of Chinese immigrants in the 19th century.

There are 47 states and Washington DC which have Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine  Laws. Likewise, there are 18,000 licensed acupuncturists in the United States, Dr Kaneko added.

Since the presentations by Dr Kaneko and Dr Sara were made in English,  NRNA-NCC-USA Oregon Chapter's vice president Daya Shakya translated them into Nepali at the program. Shakya also informed the gathering that NRNA Oregon Chapter was established in 2015 in Portland, Oregon.

At the end of the program, Nripendra Dhital threw light on membership drive plan. The program was followed by a lavish potluck dinner.

Ever since it was launched in  2015, the Oregon Chapter has organized different programs intended for the benefit of Nepalese community in Oregon.

The NRNA-NCC-USA Oregon Chapter is probably the only NRNA Chapter organization in America which can boast of its own office premise in Portland.

Dr Robert Kaneko making his presentation during the program.
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Nripendra Dhital throwing light on membership drive plan

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Nepalese Portlanders being treated with acupuncture therapy at the program.

Enjoying dinner.

Dr Robert Kaneko (center) and his team.

(Nepal Oregon News writer Rabin Man Shakya is one of the few Nepalese journalists in USA)

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