Saturday, June 30, 2018

Bhimratharohan an Important Ritual in Newar Culture

Bura-Buri Janko of American Couple at Nritya Mandala Mahavihara in Portland, USA

Dr Rabin Man Shakya

Portland, June 30, (Nepal Oregon News): Newah-style Bhimratharohan or Junko taking place in Portland, USA? That must be a big cultural event for Nepalese community in Oregon. The event becomes more newsy when you come to know that the Bhimrotharohan couple is not from Nepal but from the US.

The Bhimratharohan of Mr. Marcus Thomas and Mrs. Betty Durham performed at Nritya Mandala Mahavihara in Portland on Monday, June 25, 2018 as per the Bajrayana Buddhist rituals was an unprecedented and unique event in Portland, Oregon. When I say this is the unprecedented and unique event, I mean to say that this is the first Bhimratharohan of a  couple from the US performed in a Buddhist Mahavihara by a Buddhist Guvaju in the USA.

Bhimratharohan rituals of Marcus and Betty were performed by Buddhist Guvaju Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya of the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara in Portland. Present at the Bhimratharohan ceremony were the Americans as well as Nepalese Portlanders.

One of the very important ritual part of the Bhimrath ceremony is parading of the honored couple around the vicinity in a large procession. So Marcus and Betty were once again treated like a bride and bridegroom and were carried on a colorful chariot-like vehicle around the streets of Portland close to Nritya Mandala Mahavihara.

Talking to a journalist from Nepal Oregon News, Buddhist Guvaju Vajracharya said: "When a man or woman turns 77 years, 7 months, 7 days and 7 hours, there is a special ceremony to perform. The celebration may also be held for a couple when either the husband or wife reaches that age. The Bhimrath observance calls on the Goddess of long life -Usnisavijaya- to purify Karma and bestow the blessings of good health and a long life span."

When Prajwal was asked to throw light on the Bhimrath ceremony, he went on saying: "At the culmination of the Bhimrath festivities, the honored person or couple dressed in brocade raiment is paraded through the streets in a chariot (ratha) drawn by their children and grandchildren and feted with music, flowers, sacred water, vermillion powder and incense."

"The honorees' ears are pierced for the second time and their youngest grandchild places new silver earrings in their ears. Henceforth, they are released from religious and ritual obligations, for their sins have been remitted and their Karma purified," says Portland-based Buddhist priest Prajwal.

Well, little is known about the ritual significance of Bhimratharohan. So when I asked Prajwal to describe about it, he revealed that "the honored individual or couple ride a chariot drawn by flying horses, the magical steeds that would transport   them to paradise or to Nirvana, the afterlife destinations secured by the Bhimratha ceremony. The Newah priest overseeing the ceremony seals the blessings by performing a Homa Puja."

There is no doubt that Nritya Mandala Mahavihara has been playing a tremendous role to enhance Bajrayana Buddhist customs and traditions alive in the US. In fact, this is so far the only one Bajrayana Buddhist Temple in the USA.

 The Mahavihara which was established in 2009 in Portland by Prajwal Vajracharya and Helen Appell is also a study center  which includes the temple and a library and focuses on movement, sacred arts, meditation and teachings for anyone interested in devoting practice to reveal their nature.

The auspicious wedding, rice feeding ceremonies, Ihi ceremony, Bara Tayegu ceremony, Brata Bandha or Chuda Karma of local Nepalese Portlanders have also been performed at the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara from time to time.

Likewise, the Mahavihara serves as a major institution in the preservation, expansion and exploration of all Newar Buddhism and Newar culture.

Photos: Courtesy of Pradeep Bajracharya and Selina Shakya

(Rabin Man Shakya is one of the few  Nepalese journalists in America.)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulation for the great ageing life-ceremony of Bhimaratharohan (Bura Janko), a first step to elevate human to god or divine status in terms of culturally and spiritually as part of global culture of diversity and intangible cultural heritage in Newar society. It is the second ceremony of US couple seniors in the USA.

    It's a great pride of life for all of us. Wishing a prosperous second Bura Janko Saharsha Chandra Darshan or Chandra ratharohan after seeing 1,000 full moon days in life.

    Hom Shrestha
    Gerontology Program
    Laurentian University
    Northern Ontario, Canada


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