Sunday, June 19, 2016

Olympic Day Celebrated in Portland

Rabin Man Shakya

A program was organized by International Open Friendship Taekwondo Championship (IOFTC) in Portland on Saturday, June 18, 2016 to mark the Olympic Day.

Chief guest on the occasion was Aaron Paulson, who is the winner of two gold medals and one bronze medal at various Paralympic Games in swimming.

Speaking on the occasion, Paulson stressed the need for discipline and perseverance in the sports. He said: " Life is a journey and is about setting goals for yourself."  Paulson also replied on questions asked by the audience participants.

Karen Blackledge, general secretary of IOFTC informed the gathering that the next IOFTC tournament is going to be held in Portland in October this year. The program was conducted by Sunil Rajkarnikar.

On the occasion, Blackledge handed over the US flag to Paulson while Master Diwakar Maharjan presented Nepalese national flag to Olympian Sita Rai.

To mark the Olympic Day, a peace rally that went through in the neighborhood of Hollywood district was also organized by IOFTC.

The Olympic Peace Rally in Portland was participated by students of the Hollywood Taekwondo School, their parents, a large number of people from Nepalese community in Portland including the representatives of NRNA-NCC-USA Oregon Chapter and Nepa Chhen.

It is to be noted that Olympic Day is celebrated by thousands of people in more than 160 countries.

Commemorating the birth of the modern Olympic Games, Olympic Day is not only a celebration but also an international effort to observe the Olympic values of FairPlay, Perseverance, Respect and Sportsmanship. It is also a day to celebrate the International Olympic Committee's three pillars: Move, Learn,Discover.

Actually, Olympic Day is a chance for us to wave the flag of fair play and sportsmanship. In the chronicles of Olympic movement, the name of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French pedagogue, is written in the golden letters.

It was de Coubertin who realized the moral and educational value of sports and on June 23, 1894 began the task of reviving the Olympic Games. He constituted a panel in charge of organizing the first games and created an intarnational Olympic movement.

Hence, the first games of the modern era were organized in Athens in 1896 and the International  Olympic Committee was officially established.

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