Sunday, September 8, 2013

Journalism and Political Uncertainty

Dr Rabin Man Shakya

With over 3,000 registered newspapers and over a dozen television broadcasters, journalism has made tremendous strides in Nepal over the years, but is the Nepalese media carrying out its responsibilities, quite honestly? What is the Nepalese media's role in helping end the lingering political uncertainty?

It is hard to find much common ground among Nepal's squabbling, competing daily and weekly newspapers. Not only do they naturally mistrust one another, but they also tend to divide along party lines. Today, like never before, Nepalese press is free, but many will agree that the media has not been able to use that freedom in a more rationale and responsible way.

Journalism should be in a position to bring about changes in the way people think as well as rally them towards just cause. Journalists should feel the pulse of the people, should cover the stories about peoples' aspirations and should lead the nation in a proper and right direction.

The overall scenario of Nepalese press is not so depressing. But, the press has not been fully instrumental in publishing the stories with a view to bringing about desired level of stability and ending the uncertainty in the country.

There are a number of factors for the lingering crisis and political uncertainty in Nepal. Political parties and leaders are responsible for this. But partial blame goes to the Nepalese press too, because a number of media outlets and newspapers are playing at the hands of the political parties, leaders, and business tycoons.

Instead of playing a watchdog role, there are a number of newspapers which carry on obsequious profiles of the "dubious and corrupt" businessmen and political leaders, thereby becoming notorious media lapdogs.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting and inspiring article Rabin dai although I have to flip pages of dictionary for a couple of times. I wonder why any article I read which touches a word “politics” always is critical. I used to be interested in reading and spending time discussing about it. As I began to realize the articles on politics have never appeared with the absence of criticism and words with action, I lost my interest reading them. Unless someone come up with lines with words representing key that open everybody’s eyes, I would say, the writer never understood few seconds rules that he or she has in order to attract reader’s attention. The articles with the absence of any smart and creative expression otherwise will only be words without action.


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