Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Macha Janko - Quintessential Newar Lifecycle Ritual

 Dewa Ratna Vajracharya's Rice Feeding Ceremony (Anna Prasana) Held in Kathmandu

Dr Rabin Man Shakya

Kathmandu, Oct 24 (Nepal Oregon News): A Macha Janko (rice feeding ceremony) was performed  for a little boy Dewa Ratna Vajracharya (son of Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya and Teya Vajracharya) in Kathmandu on Thursday, Oct 24, 2024. Macha Janko is one of the quintessential lifecycle rituals of the Newar people in Nepal.

(Macha Janko ceremony of Dewa Ratna Vajracharya, son of Teya and Prajwal Vajracharya in Kathmandu, Nepal. Also seen in the picture is Japanese Charya nritya dancer Yuko Okomoto.

During the Macha Janko ceremony, a Mandala was drawn and Gurumandala Puja and other Newar Vajrayana Buddhist rituals were performed by senior Guruju Siddhi Muni Bajracharya.

The senior Guruju used a variety of Mantras, repeated Tantric offerings of the five elements in the form of flowers, fruits, rice, incense and water, as well as multitude of other Newar Vajrayana ritual objects to complete Macha Janko ceremony.

The religious and traditional rituals performed during the Macha Janko ceremony were elaborate, using so many traditional utensils and ritual objects, and were accompanied by cultural and esoteric elements that made it both a significant and enjoyable experience for the entire Vajracharya family in Kathmandu.

Also, during the ceremony, senior Guruju Siddhi Muni Bajracharya gave away flowers and dabbed 'Sinha' on the forehead of Prajwal Guruji, Teya, Dewa and all the relatives of Prajwal Guruji.

Renowned Japanese Charya Nritya dancer  Yuko Okomoto and Nritya Mandala Mahavihara, Portland, USA board member Uppa Shakya were also present during the cultural and traditional event of Dewa Ratna Vajracharya's Anna Prasana ceremony.

The rice feeding ceremony celebrates the child's first solid food. Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya, co-founder of Nritya Mandala Mahavihara, noted that "Although this is a centuries-old tradition, modern science has now established that a child's digestive system is best able to process solid food when he or she reaches approximately six months."

Macha Janko's important ritual is to feed rice pudding for the first time in child's life, so baby Dewa was fed rice pudding from a small spoon by all the members of the Vajracharya family in age order.

One of the highlights of the Anna Prasana ceremony was the presentation of a large tray or kisti  to young Dewa. It is widely believed that the first thing the child takes or touches from the tray is an indicator of his later vocation in future life. On this tray were a variety of objects and toys. Baby Dewa  chose the Vajra and Mala with his right hand and the ritual bell with his left.

The elephant-headed deity - Ganesha - is the most important God for Macha Janko ceremony. Senior Guruju Siddhi Muni Bajracharya concluded the day with prayers to Ganesha for the removal of all obstacles from the life and growth of young Dewa.

This important lifecycle ceremony is largely a family celebration in Nepal, as it is the first time a child is fed solid food. This ceremony signifies his movement from infancy to toddlerhood, where he will be more on his own, moving about, learning and absorbing more of the  world around him, says Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya.

Macha Janko (Nepal Bhasa), Pasni (Nepali) or Anna Prasana (Sanskrit) are words or names used for a toddler's rice feeding ceremony.

Kathupwa Chayekegu ritual (Vocal Chord opening ceremony) was held the next day of the Macha Janko ritual. Dewa's aunt took him to the nearest Ganesha temple and offered rituals to the deity for the child's health, prosperity and removal of obstacles. Then, baby Dewa was fed the top part of the 'Gwoja' which is also an essential item during the rituals.

Finally, a dinner reception was also organized in the evening  to mark the  the Macha Janko ceremony the same day at a Party Palace in Kathmandu. More than 300 people -- local dignitaries, friends and relatives -- took part at the Macha Janko dinner party. 


Charya Nritya Blooms at Aksheswar Mahabihar

Lalitpur, Oct 29 (Nepal Oregon News): During a visit of Prajwal Vajracharya (co-founder of Nritya Mandala Mahavihara in Portland, USA) to Nepal recently, a beautiful, brilliant and mesmerizing Charya Nritya program 'Chacha Bija' was organized on Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024 by Dance Mandal Nepal at Aksheswar Mahabihar in Lalitpur, Nepal. Chacha Pyakhan (Charya Nritya) is an important and essential part of Newar Buddhism. 

At the program, Prajwal Vajracharya presented Vajravarahi charya dance. Vajravarahi is one of the most important female deities in Newar Vajrayana Buddhism. She is the central deity in the Five Dakini Mandala and is the deity of compassion, but when chased by evil creatures, she can hide under the ground, protecting herself with the help of her boar's mouth. Vajravarahi is one of the manifestations of Vajrayogini. Vajravarahi is red in color and stands on a reclining body of Bhairava in dancing posture. She holds a Kartri in her right hand on level of head and holds a Kapala filled with blood in her left. The deity carries a Khatvanga stick surmounted by three skulls. She wears a garland of fifty severed heads and various gold ornaments.

Similarly, Vajrayogini charya dance was offered by Sangita Shakya. This dance is performed especially as a devotion to the Goddess Vajrayogini in Sankhu. Vajrayogini is a main female Buddha. She is semi-wrathful and bright red, dancing joyfully without shame or fear and glorifying in her femaleness. She drinks the nectar that fuels her in the intensity and clarity of an uncompromising motivation to cut through ignorance while embracing all accessible energies.

Likewise, Avalokiteshvara charya dance was performed by Namami Shakya. Avalokiteshvara charya dance is the embodiment of universal compassion and has the softest, gentlest and most fluid of the dances represented in the Charya dance tradition. This is an ancient form of deity yoga meditation for physical transformation, refinement of emotions and spiritual awareness.

 On the occasion, Charya giti for the Charya dances were vocalized by Swayambhu Ratna Shakya, Tanmaya and Suman Kapali.

Refuge dance and Sixteen Offering Goddess Dances were also presented at the program which was attended by 150 personalities from different walks of life. The chief guest on the occasion was Mr Narayan Kaji Shrestha who is the former Deputy Prime Minister of Nepal and Senior Vice Chairman of CPN - Maoist Center.

Aksheswar Mahabihar is an ancient Buddhist monastery. It is located at Pulchowk near the huge stupa one of the four famous stupas built by Emperor Ashoka, in the western outskirts of the old town of Patan (Lalitpur), Nepal during the Kirati period. 


Prajwal Guruji Performs 'Vajrasattva' Charya Dance at Nepal Yoga Festival in Pokhara

Pokhara, Oct 16 (Nepal Oregon News): Prajwal Vajracharya, a well-known Charya dancer and international teacher, during his recent visit to Nepal addressed a workshop on Newar Buddhism and Charya Nritya at a program 'Nepal Yoga Festival 2024' on Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024 at Purna Yoga Retreat in Bhakunde,  Pokhara organized by Nepal Yoga Festival, Hotel Association of Nepal (HAN) and its Pokhara chapter.

On the occasion, all the participants of the 'Nepal Yoga Festival 2024' performed Refuge Charya Dance led by Prajwal Guruji. Similarly, the Guruji also presented a beautiful and esoteric Charya dance 'Vajrasattva'.

Vajrasattva is central to Newar Buddhist meditative and ritual practice. Newar Vajrayana priests revere Vajrasattva as the primordial teacher, the source of Tantric teachings they practice.

Vajrasattva is also considered  the essence of all the peaceful Buddha families. Vajrasattva is peaceful in appearance, white in color, with one face and two hands, seated in Vajra posture. The proper right hand holds an upright gold Vajra at the level of the heart. The left hand holds a Vajra handled bell turned at the left hip.

Nepal Yoga Festival 2024 aimed to attract both domestic and international visitors. Various sessions were facilitated  by world-class instructors, with Yoga led by teacher Manohar Shrestha. The lineup also featured Grammy-nominated artist Manoj Singhe, Peter Sterios and a classical dance performance from acclaimed dancer Leena Malakar's group.


Prajwal Guruji Stresses Importance of Mudras in Charya Nritya

Lalitpur, Oct 30 (Nepal Oregon News): A talk program by Guruji Prajwal Vajracharya on "Importance of Mudras in Charya Nritya" was organized on Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024 by Young Men's Buddhist Association - Nepal (YMBA-Nepal) at YMBA Dhamma Hall in Lalitpur. About 40 people - among them local dignitaries, intellectuals and students - attended the YMBA-Nepal's program on Charya and Mudra.

Speaking on the occasion, Prajwal Vajracharya, co-founder of Nritya Mandala Mahavihara in Portland, USA said:"Charya Nritya is a Newar Vajrayana Buddhist ritual dance with a history going back to more than 1,000 years. Charya nritya is a meditational dance that tells us stories of the inner qualities and awakening of Buddhist deities."

Talking about Mudra and Charya, Prajwal Guruji said:"Charya is a dance of the Mudras and a moving meditation which helps us develop a deeper understanding of Newar Vajrayana Buddhist deities."

Prajwal Guruji's presentation at YMBA-Nepal emphasized the importance of Mudra through subtle fluidity of movement, breath and stillness.

Prajwal Guruji added :"The practice of deity Yoga supports an appreciation of the inner beauty of the body and cultivates understanding of our personal Mudras as unique experience."

Prajwal Guruji, a 35th generation Vajrayana priest, during the presentation, discussed how certain movements and Mudras effect health and create transformations in our bodies, how it heals our hands, feet and energy channels.

During the presentation, the Guruji stressed on the need to embody Kaya, Vak and Chitta, and underscored the importance of awakening and connecting through learning the Kaya Mudra, Vak Mudra and Chitta Mudra.

Kaya is the body, Vak is the speech and Chitta is the mind, Prajwal Guruji reiterated  and added that any Mudra that is made cannot be separated from Kaya, Vak and Chitta. "Our every gesture is connected  with body, speech and mind," he went on saying.

On the occasion, welcoming the guests and giving a short introduction of Prajwal Guruji, president of YMBA-Nepal Asha Ratna Shakya said:"Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya is a Guru of Charya Nritya and he has been teaching Charya Nritya since many years back to his numerous students from all over the world."

Meanwhile, writing on the social media platform on Monday, Oct 28, 2024, YMBA-Nepal said:"YMBA-Nepal would like to express our deep sense of gratitude and sadhubaad to Mr Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya - cofounder of Nritya Mandala Mahavihara and a Charya Guru - for exploring about the "Importance of Mudras in Charya Nritya" (Buddhist Devotional Dance) of Newar Buddhism.

YMBA-Nepal  added in its Facebook post:"It was so interesting that many participants had queries and the Guruji replied the answers beautifully."

YMBA-Nepal's Facebook statement further said:"At today's presentation, we also had the special guest at YMBA, he is Mr Dewa Ratna Vajracharya, son of Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya (only 5 months and some days old). In the history of YMBA-Nepal, he appears as the youngest and cutest guest ever. He was born on last Buddha Purnima, a very special day."


Role of Charya Nritya in Newar Buddhism Emphasized

Lalitpur, Oct 26 (Nepal Oregon News): A talk program on 'Role of Charya Nritya in Buddhism' by Prajwal Vajracharya was organized by Lotus Research Center (LRC) in Lalitpur, Nepal on Saturday, Oct 26, 2024. Twenty people, among them - local dignitaries, intellectuals and students - participated at the program.

On the occasion, speaking about Charya Nritya's history, Prajwal Guruji said:"Charya is a unique Newar Buddhist tradition dating back over a thousand years that uses the physical body as a vehicle for liberating the mind."

The Guruji  further added:" In Charya dance, by united movement, visualization and awareness, one learns to emulate and then fully embody the qualities of the variety of Buddhist deities - male and female, peaceful and wrathful - and to genuinely express those qualities through one's body, speech and activities."

Underscoring the role of Charya Nritya as a key to enlightenment and transformation, Prajwal Guruji emphasized on the importance of Charya in embodying the deity and in understanding inner, outer and sacred mudras.

The Guruji went on saying:"In Newar Vajrayana Buddhist tradition, it is taught that there can be no liberation without singing and dancing, the physical body and the voice are the tools of transformation with which we awaken and free our minds."

Prajwal Guruji made it clear that Charya dance is not just a dance, it is teaching, it is preaching and meditation as well as a philosophy yielding deep understanding and guidelines for moving forward in life.

Lotus Research Center is a non-profit and non-government organization registered in 1993 under the Institution Registration Act of Nepal. It has an objective to preserve and promote Buddhist culture of Nepal Mandala (Kathmandu valley).

LRC has launched Lotus Academic College for Buddhist studies since 2007 which provides Post-Graduate Diploma level course on Buddhist Studies.

LRC, the parental organization of the college, has decades of experience in the field of research and study of Buddhist art and culture. It has also been developing a digital archive of Newar Buddhism with multimedia contents.


Powerful Flute and Tabla Performance Livens Portland Baha

Portland, Oct 25, (Nepal Oregon News): A powerful flute performance by world famous bamboo flute master Steve Gorn and Tabla playing by renowned multi-instrumentalist Benjy Wertheimer was organized at the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara in Portland on Friday, Oct 25, 2024.

The enthralling and mesmerizing flute performance of Steve was accompanied on Tabla by Benjy. And there is no doubt that Steve and Benjy are musicians with a penchant for Hindustani classical music.

Steve Gorn has  performed Indian classical music on Bansuri Bamboo flute in concerts and festivals throughout the world. A disciple of Sri Gour Goswami of Kolkata, India, and Pandit Raghunath Seth of Mumbai, he is well known to audiences in India and the West.

He has been widely praised by critics and leading Indian musicians as one of the few Westerners recognized  to have captured the subtlety and beauty of Indian classical music.

A Grammy winner and five times Grammy nominee, Steve Gorn is creating a new idiom, a music that combines the essence of classical  Indian tradition with a contemporary world music from a virtuoso mastery, generating a vibrant fusion, alive and accessible to Western ears.

Benzy Wertheimer is an award winning musician, composer, vocalist, producer and multi-instrumentalist  equally accomplished in Tabla, congas, percussion, esraj, guitar and keyboards.

Benjy has performed and recorded with such artists as Krishna Das, Deva Primal, and Miten, Jai Uttal, Walter Becker of Steely Dan, virtuoso guitarist Michael Mandrell, Tabla Master Zakir Hussein, and renowned bamboo flute master G. S. Sachadev. 

He has also opened for such well-known artists as Carlos Santana, Paul Winter and Narada Michael Walden. Benjy is a founding member of the internationally acclaimed world fusion ensemble 'Ancient Future'.

The concert was one of the rare opportunities for a limited number of audience at the Newar Buddhist temple in Portland to dive into the ocean of raga with bamboo flute master Steve Gorn and multi-instrumentalist Benjy Wertheimer.

(Rabin Shakya is a Newar journalist in USA)



Sunday, November 3, 2024

Nepalese Portlanders Gather for Mha Puja Celebrations in America

Nepal Sambat New Year 1145 Brings Joy to Nepalese Portlanders

By Rabin Man Shakya

(Newah ladies and gentlemen during the Mha Puja and Nepal Sambat New Year celebrations in Portland, USA) 

Portland, Nov 3 (Nepal Oregon News): A group Mha Puja and Nepal Sambat New Year 1145 was observed in Portland, USA on Saturday Nov 2, 2024 by Nepa Chhen, a non-profit committed to enrich and enhance Nepalese arts, culture and traditions in the US.

According to Pramod Karanjit, secretary of Nepa Chhen, 95 Mha Puja Mandalas were drawn on the floor for each participant. Cheerful Nepalese Portlanders were seen sitting cross-legged in front of their respective Mandalas.

The Nepalese gentlemen were seen wearing 'Daura Suruwal' and 'Sakkali Dhaka Ya Tapuli' while the Nepalese ladies were dressed up in Haku Patasi and other sarees.

Most of the cultural and ritual procedures were followed while performing the collective Mha Puja ceremony which took place at Nekusing Memorial Theater, US World Class Taekwondo Hollywood in Portland.

All the Mha Puja participants were given a dab of colored paste 'Sinha' on their foreheads, provided sacred thread 'Kokha' and a bag of Masala Pwo' and fruits.

Then, the Nepalese Portlanders were presented egg, fish and wine which was poured down from a Newah-style 'Anti'. After that, a traditional Newar feast 'Bhoye' was served.

The Nepalese Portlanders were seen wishing each other Happy Mha Puja and Nhu Dan Ya Bhintuna.

Mha Puja celebration in Portland, USA is also a sure way to enliven and enhance the Newah traditions and customs, demonstrating the aspirations of the Nepalese Portlanders to keep up the Newah traditions alive.

There is no doubt that Mha Puja is a quintessential part of rich Newar culture. It is an interesting coincidence that Mha Puja, a part of Swanti Nakha, is performed to purify mind, body and spirit, and this cultural ritual is annually held on the day of new year celebration of Nepal Sambat.

It is to be noted that Nepal Sambat -- a national lunar calendar of Nepal -- kicked off in 879 AD during the rule of King Raghav Dev to commemorate the reimbursement of all debts of the people by a Newah trader Shankhadhar Sakhwa who was declared a national hero (Vibhuti) of Nepal on Nov 18, 1999 by the then His Majesty's Government of Nepal.

(Rabin Shakya is a Newar journalist in America)


Akash Yogini is One of the Important Deities in Newar Vajrayana Buddhism, Says Prajwal Guruji

 By Dr Rabin Man Shakya Portland, Feb 7 (Nepal Oregon News):"Akash Yogini, who is one of the important deities in Newar Vajrayana Buddh...