Saturday, July 20, 2024

Nepal Oregon News Calls on Both Sides of World Newah Organization to Put Differences aside and Sit Down for Dialogue

Portland, July 20 (Nepal Oregon News):

It is embarrassing for the entire  Newah people when there is schism in the united movement. Newah people are facing a big dilemma. Yes, it is about the ongoing conflict about Nepal Bhasa (Newari) and just Nepal Bhasa  in the Google Translate that is plaguing  the World Newah Organization.

As a staunch supporter of united Nepal Bhasa movement, Nepal Oregon News, Portland, USA condemns the ongoing feud between two different opposing sides within World Newah Organization in the strongest possible terms. This kind of act can erode trust of the Newah people on the organization like the WNO.

Nepal Oregon News is also of the opinion that the ongoing fiasco or setback is outrageous and unacceptable for the Newah people living in Nepal and across the world.

There is no easy solution to this issue. Nepal Oregon News calls on both sides to put the differences aside and sit down together to figure out the issue which has become a 'big headache' for the entire Newah people.

Whether inadvertently or by grand design, Nepal Bhasa (Newari) in the Google Translate was presented by the World Newah Organization to the global Newah community as a fait accompli. And by doing so, the current WNO leadership has upped the 'formidable and dangerous' ante.

Nepal Oregon News, however, is optimistic that both sides within the World Newah Organization will manage to achieve a kind of modus vivendi through dialogue.

Meanwhile, an interaction on "WNO Related Matters" was organized on Saturday, August 17, 2024 on the Zoom to discuss about the ongoing crisis within the World Newah Organization.

The on-line discussion program was organized by Daya Shakya, patron of the World Newah Organization.

The virtual interaction, which raised concerns about Global Newah Unity, also sought ways to figure out the ongoing crisis in the World Newah Organization. 

Speaking on the occasion, Tribhuvan Tuladhar stressed on the need for the re-establishment of the entire World Newah Organization.

Other participants at the remotely-held program were Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya, Dr Shanta Bir Singh Tuladhar, Narayan Rajbhandari, Keshar Man Tamrakar, Bhuvan Shrestha, Rajendra Ranjit, Roshan Shrestha, Bikram Vaidya, Tuyu Bhaju Udas, Rajeesh, Bimal Shrestha, Sanjay Shakya and Dr Rabin Man Shakya.

(Nepal Oregon News writer Rabin Man Shakya is a Newah journalist in USA)

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Chakrasambhara is the Kul Devata of the Vajracharyas, Says Prajwal Guruji

 Rabin Man Shakya

Portland, June 30 (Nepal Oregon News): Chakrasambhara is the Kul Devata (tutelary deity) of the Vajracharyas and the Shakyas living in the Kathmandu valley. Chakrasambhara is the yidam of Highest Yoga Tantra." 

Prajwal Vajracharya, co-founder of the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara in Portland, USA, said this during a Virtual Teaching on Chakrasambhara organized by Hong Kong Buddhist Studies Association on Sunday, June 30, 2024.

During the remotely-held teaching on Chakrasambhara, Prajwal Guruji mentioned about 'Nhikan Yayegu' daily esoteric ritual of the Shakyas and Vajracharyas of the Kathmandu valley and said that Chakrasambhara is a wrathful as well semi-wrathful deity.

Explaining the meaning of the name of the deity, Prajwal Guruji said:"Chakrasambhara is a Sanskrit word in which Chakra refers to as a circle or wheel whereas Sambhara denotes embracing or bliss, Prajwal Guruji said:"Therefore, Chakrasambhara means -- wheel of bliss."

There are so many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dakinis in Newar Buddhism, but when it comes to Chakrasambhara, the Guruji went on saying that this is the esoteric deity who is most revered by the Newar Buddhist devotees.

Speaking about the Charya nritya, Prajwal Guruji, who is also a prominent Charya Guru, said there are hundreds of Charya Gitis and Charya Nrityas related and dedicated to Chakrasambhara.

"My father late Ratna Kaji Vajracharya, a Buddhist scholar, collected 556 Charya in his Charya  books, volume 1 and 2. That includes many Charya related to Chakrasambhara," said the Guruji.

Laying emphasis on the importance of Chakrasambhara and Vajravarahi Charya Nritya, Prajwal Guruji said:"Vajravarahi, a red yogini, is semi-wrathful and powerful dakini, whereas  Chakrasambhara a forest yogi who is dark blue in color and also semi-wrathful deity, embraces Vajravarahi."

"They are the union of sun and moon, emptiness and bliss, and of all opposites," Prajwal Guruji said and added:"Together, they intently remain in blissful meditation while they dance on negative forces."

Stating that every little thing, the deities hold in their hands or wear have a lot of religious and esoteric meaning, Guru Prajwal said:"Chakrasambhara has four faces -- the front face is blue black, right face is white, back face is yellow and left face is red."

Furthermore, throwing light on the iconography of Chakrasambhara, Prajwal Guruji said:"This is a twelve-handed deity. Chakrasambhara is depicted in ecstatic union with his consort Vajravarahi. The deity's front hands hug his consort with Vajra and bell. His next right hand has a small drum, a Kartri, a trident and an axe. His left hands are portrayed as holding a Khatvanga, a severed head of Bramha, a Kapala and a lasso.

Moreover, the Guruji added:"With his back two hands, Chakrasambhara is raising the hide of an elephant. He puts on a crown of skulls and a garland of severed heads and skulls. He also wraps himself with the tiger skin. His front face with three eyes looks at his consort."

Addressing the international participants on the zoom, Prajwal Guruji stated:"In Vajrayana Buddhism, Buddha Shakyamuni manifests as Chakrasambhara to remove obstacles, cut through the causes of ignorance and protect practice for benefit of all sentient beings."

Underlining the historical significance of the deity, Prajwal Guruji, a 35th - generation Vajrayana priest, said that the statues of Chakrasambhara are found not only in countries like Nepal, Tibet, India, Thailand, Mongolia, Russia, but ancient idols and statues of Chakrasambhara have been discovered in countries like Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan too.

During the zoom teaching, Prajwal Guruji also showed rare pictures of Chakrasambhara's idols, statues and Thangkas (Paubhas).

The online teaching on Chakrasambhara was participated by 20 people mostly from Hong Kong. Prof Dr Miranda Shaw from California, journalist Karen Greenspan from New York and Dr Tina Ho from Hong Kong were also among the virtual participants. At the end of the zoom teaching, Prajwal Guruji also replied to queries of the participants.


Buddhist Festival Organized at Colonel Summers Park

Portland, June 29 (Nepal Oregon News): A Buddhist Festival was organized at Colonel Summers Park, Portland on Saturday, June 29, 2024 by Dharma Rain Zen  Center.

More than a dozen Buddhist centers and communities of Portland took part at the Buddhist Festival. Nritya Mandala Mahavihara, Henjyoti Shingon Buddhist Temple, Heart of Wisdom, Maitripa College etc were among the participating institutions.

The Buddhist festival kicked off with an opening ceremony and a procession followed by heart of wisdom chanting, Tara Dhatu dance.

Colonel Summers Park was decorated with different booths and tables hosted by various Buddhist monasteries and institutions. The Buddhist festival in the park was celebrated with the strength and diversity of our Buddhist communities of Portland.

There were presentations, mindfulness activities, information about Buddhist temples, dance and children's programs during the whole day of the Buddhist Festival.

At the end of the program, Prajwal Vajracharya of the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara threw light on the history and relevance of Newar Buddhism.

Under the guidance of Prajwal Guruji, the participants were able to perform refuge dance,  Tara dance and Avalokiteshvara nritya.


Yangsi Rinpoche Visits Vihara to Bless Dewa

Portland, June 23, (Nepal Oregon News): Yangsi Rinpoche, president and professor of Buddhist Studies at Maitripa College, a Buddhist institute of higher llearning in Portland, visited Nritya Mandala Mahavihara on Sunday, June 23, 2024 to bless Dewa Vajracharya, a newly born child of Prajwal and Teya Vajracharya.

It is to be noted that Teya Vajracharya (Prajwal Guruji's spouse) gave birth to Dewa on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 on the eve of Buddha Purnima at Guruji's residence in the Mahavihara.

Yangsi Rinpoche, who is one of the prominent Rinpoches in the USA was born in Kathmandu, Nepal in 1968 and recognized as a reincarnate tulku at age six. At the age of ten, he entered Sera Je Monastery in South India, and in 1995 graduated with the highest degree of Geshe Lharampa.

In 1998, Rinpoche came to the USA where he lived and taught for several years at Deer Park Buddhist Center near Madison, Wisconsin.


Discussion on 'Newarology Matters' Held at the Portland Baha

Portland, June (Nepal Oregon News): A discussion program on 'Newarology Matters', a book by Daya Shakya was held at the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara in Portland on Friday, June 14, 2024.

Giving a welcome remark on the occasion, Prajwal Vajracharya, co-founder of the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara said that the book by Daya anaalyzes different aspects of Nepal Bhasa, its linguistics, culture and heritage.

The discussion program on 'Newarology Matters' at the Portland Baha, USA gave an opportunity to the viewers and audience a chance to make the common voice of the Newah people heard loudly.

Speaking on the occasion, Daya Shakya, the author of the book, said that he played a key role to recognize  Nepal Bhasa as an official language in Oregon, published newsletters, journals including Namaste, Laskus and Newah Vijnan etc.

His articles and write-ups included in the book were previously published in the magazines and journals from USA, Nepal, Canada, India, UK and New Zealand etc, Daya informed the audience.

He stressed on the need to call Newah people in stead of Newar people and Nepal Bhasa instead of Newari.

Daya Shakya, who has MA degrees from TU, Kathmandu and University of Oregon, USA was born and raised in the vibrant locality of Naradevi, Kathmandu. Growing up in a modest yet spiritually rich environment, Daya was the fifth child of Moti Kaji and Tej Maya Shakya. Shakya is also the patron of the World Newah Organization.


Ritualism - A Part of Newar Vajrayana Buddhism

Portland, June 11, (Nepal Oregon News): "Although we are leaving in the 21st century, Nepal and Nepalese are traditional and religious. There are numerous festivals and religiously sacred holidays in Nepal. There are lots of rituals including lifecycle rituals in Newar Buddhism. Traditionalism and ritualism are a part of Newar Vajrayana Buddhism."

Prajwal Vajracharya, a 35th generation Vajracharya priest, now based in Portland, USA said this while addressing a zoom program entitled 'Daily Ritual in Vajrayana' organized by Nepali Sarvamnaya Tantra on Tuesday, June11, 2024.

Prajwal Vajracharya, who is a Buddhist scholar, started the presentation by performing a praying ritual for Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Prajwal Guruji's virtual talk on daily ritual in Vajrayana zeroed in on ritual practices being carried out at Baha/Bahis of the Kathmandu valley.

He, then, comprehensively, shed light on the Nitya Puja activities carried out everyday at the Newar Buddhist temple in Portland, USA. The Guruji also showed many interesting pictures of how the Nitya Puja is being performed every day at the Portland vihara.

"The Pujari sweeps and cleans the inside-temple thoroughly everyday right before the Nitya Puja." Everyday a Puja Sankalpa consisting of raw rice, beaten rice, dry fruit, yellow color and vermillion powder, flowers, two small incense sticks, cotton wicks, coins, jajankas are carefully and meticulously prepared for the Nitya Puja, Prajwal Guruji said and shed light on the importance of Pancha Tatwo (five elements).

Nitya Puja is being performed six days a week by various American Buddhists and one day by a Newar Buddhist lady, Prajwal Guruji informed the virtual participants.

Prajwal Guruji went on saying:"Vajrayana ritual tradition based on Tantric Buddhism includes Mantras, Mandalas and the visualization of deities and the Buddhas."

Nitya Puja chanted everyday at the vihara in the morning is very detailed and comprehensive and ritual practice lasts for one hour, said Prajwal Guruji and added that one hundred syllable mantra to Vajrasattva, Das Paramita and Bandeshree are also recited everyday.

"The Vihara is open for outside guests during the one-hour Nitya Puja for visit and meditation. After Nitya Puja, the Pujari and guests are provided with tea and snacks."

During the remotely-held presentation, Prajwal Guruji also explained in detail the meaning of the parts of the bell (gan) and Vajra. He also said that bell, Vajra Ghanta and Chwammo (traditional yak's tail) are used everyday by the ritual performer during the chanting.

Since the inception of the Mahavihara in 2009, the Nitya Puja was being carried out at the Newar Buddhist temple every single day without any interruption, the Guruji reiterated. "The Nitya Puja went on smoothly everyday even during the Coronavirus pandemic."

Prajwal Guruji on the occasion also briefly threw light on lifecycle rituals like Chuda Karma, Bara Tayegu, Ihi Yayegu and Bhimratharohan rituals.

This was the third time for Prajwal Guruji to make a presentation on Newar Buddhism for Nepali Sarvamnaya Tantra. At the end of the program, Prajwal Guruji replied to queries of the virtual participants.

At the beginning of the zoom program, Sandip Sapkota of Nepali Sarvamnaya Tantra informed the online participants that his organization has been holding the virtual conferences for last four years.


Meditation Program with Dzogchen Influence Held at Vihara

Portland, June 7 (Nepal Oregon News): A meditation program with Dzogchen influence with special guest-teacher Michelle Fein was organized at the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara on Friday, June 7, 2024. The meditation event. 

Speaking on the occasion, Teacher Michelle Fein said:"The aim of Dzogchen is to directly experience the innate nature of the mind and the ultimate reality beyond concepts and dualities."

"It draws inspiration from Myingma and Bon traditions and integrates it with the wisdom of Mahayana Buddhism, she added.

The meditation event which was followed by a pot-luck dinner was attended by 15 participants at the Vihara and 10 participants on the zoom.

Michelle Fein has been studying and practicing Tibetan Buddhist meditation for over 20 years. In 2009, she completed a strict three-year retreat. In 2010, Michelle stayed on at Lerab Ling, Rigpa's largest retreat center, coordinating the teaching program. In 2011, she moved back to the US. At Rigpa NYC, Michelle hosted many great Lamas and guest teachers and held courses herself.

She also created a meditation program for the WeWork organization. Michelle continues to offer meditation sessions for her local community as well as free online, guided meditation classes and more advanced offerings. She has been entrusted by Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche as a teacher and practice holder of the Rigpa tradition.


Other Regular Activities

Monthly Naamsangiti Chanting, weekly Dharani chanting (Tuesday evening), Sadhana practice, Buddhist Bhajan practice(Wednesday evening) and Charya giti singing practice (Friday morning), -- all were conducted on a regular basis at the Mahavihara and through Zoom.

(Rabin Man Shakya is a Newar journalist in USA)



Tara was There Before the Advent of the Buddha and Buddhism: Vajracharya

Third Virtual Teaching on 'Pancha Tara' Organized Rabin Man Shakya Portland, Aug 2, (Nepal Oregon News): Tara was there well before ...