Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Jana Gayak Bhrigu Ram Shrestha (1990 - 2080 BS) Who Made a Mark in Nepal Bhasa Music and Singing

 Dr Rabin Man Shakya


(From left to right: Juju Bhai, late Bhrigu Ram Shrestha, Dr Rabin Man Shakya, Prof Dr Sushil Bajracharya at a program held by Mettagaar  at Hotel Yellow Pagoda, Kathmandu in 2017.)

(Late Bhrigu Ram Shrestha singing a Bhajan at the program in Hotel Yellow Pagoda to felicitate centenarian Satya Mohan Joshi and others in 2017)

Portland, Jan 15 (Nepal Oregon News): Dyo Yata Sinha Swan, Maya Re Ratna Ji Nan Chanke Maya, Yo Jita Na Desh Yo and hundreds of other Nepal Bhasa songs were immortalized by this singer. Bhrigu Ram Shrestha who was battling against cancer died at Bir Hospital, Kathmandu on Sunday, Jan 14, 2024. Late Shrestha was 91.

Late Bhrigu Ram Shrestha was born in the month of Kartik, 1990 BS to father Asha Ram Shrestha and mother Sanu Nani Shrestha at Teoda Tole in Kathmandu. Inspired by his father, late Shrestha started singing at the age of 7-8.

Many of his Nepal Bhasa songs were broadcast in "Jeevan Daboo" a Nepal Bhasa program in the Radio Nepal. But when "Jeevan Daboo" was unceremoniously scrapped by the Radio Nepal and all other democratic and political activities were banned by the Panchayat system, it was late Bhrigu Ram Shrestha who thundered against the authoritarian and brutal political system with his famous Nepal Bhasa song "Yo Jita Na Desh Yo, Tar Jin Mankha Jigu Desh Go'

Late Bhrigu Ram Shrestha was very actively associated with various Gyan Mala Bhajan groups in Kathmandu. In fact, late Shrestha had vocalized  a number of Gyan Mala Bhajan songs as well.

Late Shrestha appeared in cameo roles in historical Nepali motion pictures "Maitighar" and "Hijo Aaj Bholi". He was also cast in historical Nepal Bhasa movies "Silu" and "Rajamati". Silu's main actress was late Nabeena Shrestha who was late Bhriguram's daughter.

A number of gramophone records, compact cassettes and audio CDs consisting of late Shrestha's songs were launched during his lifetime. Nepal Bhasa audio CD "Ilan Pijwogu Sa" was one of the important CDs of late Bhrigu Ram. The lyrics for songs in this CD were written by Durga Lal Shrestha, Bhrigu Ram Shrestha and Bishnu Hari Paradesi where as music for the songs were provided by Narayan Gopal, Siddhi Ratna Sthapit, Bhrigu Ram Shrestha, Dwarika Lal Joshi and Darshan Das Shrestha.

Also, very few people remember  that late Bhrigu Ram Shrestha was actively associated with the then Nepal Soviet Cultural Association in Kathmandu. In fact, he was the cultural in-charge at the Association. Late Shrestha visited the USSR in 1978 AD at the friendly invitation of Moscow-based Soviet Nepal Friendship Society.

Meanwhile, on behalf of Nepal Russia Friendship and Cultural Association, its general secretary Swaraj Shakya has paid tributes to late Shrestha and has extended heartfelt condolences.

Nepal Oregon News from Portland, USA is deeply saddened by the demise of Jana Gayak Bhrigu Ram Shrestha. In the death of respected Shrestha, the nation in general and Newar people in particular have lost a luminary and a shining star in the constellation of Nepal Bhasa musicians and singers.

(Rabin Man Shakya is a Newah journalist in USA)

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Nepalese Community in Portland, USA Celebrates New Year 2024 with Various Events

Nepa Chhen, a Non-profit,  Brings Joy to the Nepalese Community


Rabin Man Shakya

Portland, Jan 2 (Nepal Oregon News): A reception program was organized by Nepa Chhen, a non-profit, which aims to build a Nepali community house in Portland, on Dec 31, 2023 at Nekusingh Memorial Theater of  Hollywood Taekwondo School in Portland to mark the NewYear 2024.

This is the first time that the Gregorian Calendar New Year was being celebrated by Nepa Chhen among the Nepalese community members after the coronavirus pandemic, according to Nepa Chhen sources.

At the beginning of the program, octogenarian Newar lady Devi Laxmi Maharjan (Diwakar's mother) felicitated Krishna Kafle, a young popular singer from Nepal, by wrapping auspicious Khata on him.

The New Year 2024 eve reception of the Nepalese community was a happy confluence of wining and dining with different Nepali cuisines as well as lots of music and dances. 

The event brought a lot of fun and happiness to the members of the Nepalese community in Portland. A number of people were seen dancing on the floor with joy.

Binit Shrestha, Madhav Khadka presented various songs on the occasion whereas Shelba Tamrakar and Prabin Maharjan came up with beautiful dances. A dance by little girl Neeva Maharjan (daughter of Diwakar Maharjan) stole the whole show.

The main attraction of the program was the local Nepali rock band 'Mandah' which offered various songs continuously for couple of hours.

The Mandah consisted of artistes like Dr Manoj Kansakar (guitar), Gauri Raj Vaidya (vocal), Prajanna Tuladhar, George Hottenroth, Bikram Vaidya (drums).

The New Year eve program which was attended by about 150 people from different walks  of life was conducted by Nileema Ozha, women's secretary of NRNA - USA - Oregon chapter.

Present on the occasion were officials and representatives of Nepa Chhen, Nepali Association of Oregon (NAO), Non-resident Nepalese Association (NRNA) - Oregon chapter, Nritya Mandala Mahavihara and Nepal Oregon News.


Meanwhile, separate New Year 2024 related events and programs were held by other Nepalese organizations in Portland as well.

A purification 'Mha Puja' ritual ceremony was organized on Monday, Jan 1, 2024 at Portland's Nritya Mandala Mahavihara where 22 Nepalese and American Sangha members participated at the Newar Vajrayana ritual ceremony conducted by Guruji Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya.

Likewise, to mark the New Year 2024, Portland Nepali Vibes organized a New Year Dhamaka at Multnomah Arts  Center, Portland on Saturday, Dec 30, 2023 with the participation of popular young Nepali singer Krishna Kafle and other local artistes.

(Rabin Shakya is a Newar journalist in USA)


Akash Yogini is One of the Important Deities in Newar Vajrayana Buddhism, Says Prajwal Guruji

 By Dr Rabin Man Shakya Portland, Feb 7 (Nepal Oregon News):"Akash Yogini, who is one of the important deities in Newar Vajrayana Buddh...