Friday, October 29, 2021

Bura Buri Janko of Prof Ellington and Prof Iltis Held

Dr Rabin Man Shakya

Nepal Oregon News


Portland, Oct 4 (Nepal Oregon News): The Bhimratharohan (Buraburi Janko) of Prof Dr Ter Ellington, an ethnomusicologist and his spouse Prof Dr Linda Iltis, an anthropologist performed at Nritya Mandala Mahavihara on Sunday, Oct 3, 2021 as per the Newar Vajrayana Buddhist rituals was a unique cultural event in Portland, Oregon.

This is the second Bhimratharohan of a couple from the US performed at a Newar Buddhist Mahavihara by a Newar Buddhist Guvaju in the USA. Buraburi Janko rituals of Ter and Linda were performed by Buddhist Gubhaju Prajwal Vajracharya.

One of the important ritual part of the Bhimrath ceremony is parading of the honored couple around the vicinity in a procession. So Ter and Linda were once again treated like a bridegroom and bride and were carried on a colorful chariot-like vehicle around the streets of Portland close to Nritya Mandala Mahavihara.

Throwing light on the importance of Bhimratharohan, ceremony, Rev Guru Vajracharya says:"When a man or woman turns 77 years, 7 months, 7 days and 7 hours, there is a special ceremony to perform. The celebration may also be held for a couple when either the husband or wife reaches that age. The Bhimrath observance calls on the Goddess of long life - Usnisavijaya - to purify Karma and bestow the blessings of good health and a long life span."

Meanwhile, Prof Dr Linda Iltis said in a statement released immediately after the completion of Bhimratharohan:" We are so grateful to Prajwal Vajracharya, to Subhash Prajapati and Srimati, Laxman Shakya, Ani Shakya, Anastasia, Bobby and all the friends of Dance Mandal Mahavihara for all their help in making our Bhimratharohan for Ter's 77 years, 7 months, 7 days, 7 hours, 7 minutes a reality and an amazing experience."

Linda went on to say:"Mahabhagya to all who attended as well including Jill Poris and Ed Hershberg and the people who welcomed our procession in the streets of Portland."

It is to be noted that both Ter and Linda speak Nepal Bhasa and Nepali fluently.

  --The Path of Yogic Singing and Sacred Dance --

Portland, Oct 10 (Nepal Oregon News): A four week Charya dance course "The Path of Yogic Singing and Sacred Dance" which kicked off in the zoom on Oct 9, 2021 was wrapped up on Oct 30, 2021.

The Charya dance course, which was held once a week on Saturdays, was organized by Yangchenma Arts & Music, California.

Rev Guru Prajwal Vajracharya of the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara said:"In the Newar Vajrayana Buddhist tradition of Nepal, it is taught that there can be no liberation without singing and dancing -- the physical body and the voice are the tools of transformation with which we awaken and free our minds."

The four weeks Charya dance course included: (1) Four live 2-hour interactive webinars with Prajwal Vajracharya and Joshua Proto (2) Audio files of Charya dance songs (3)Articles on the history and tradtion of Charya dance (4) Additional resources

"The objective of the course was to familiarize the participants with the yogic song (charya giti) and the accompanying sacred ritual dance (charya nritya) of Vajrasattva, the Buddha of purification in order to purify and heal our own body, energy, mind and emotions," said Rev Guru Prajwal.

The Charya dance course consisted of both the practical and theoretical aspects of the Charya dance on Vajrasattva, added Vajracharya.

In the first part of each weekly class, participants were instructed in the oral tradition of Nepalese Ragas (musical modes), Talas (rhythmic cycles) and were taught the traditional melodic song of Vajrasattva.

Over four classes, participants were able to be familiar with cultivating their voices, matching the pitches of the Raga, and keeping time in the second part of the class participants were able to learn the complete ritual dance of Vajrasattva, and finally the song and dance were merged together.

  --Avalokiteshvara Day Observed in Hong Kong--

Portland, Oct 11 (Nepal Oregon News): Avalokiteshvara Day was observed by Dance Mandal Hong Kong Charya Nritya Sangha on Sunday, Oct 10, 2021 by offering various Charya dances on the zoom.

During the virtual program, Guru Prajwal Vajracharya has expressed the belief that celebration of Avalokiteshvara Day will add new vigor, enthusiasm and positive energy among all.

To mark the Avalokiteshvara Day, various Charya dances were performed in the zoom by the members of the Hong Kong Sangha. Likewise, refugee and 16 offerings dances were also performed during the virtual program.

Dance on 'Manjushree' was carried out by Kerry Ho. Kerry who was helped by Eliza still needs more practice. Kerry is very attractive, many Hong Kong Sangha members laughed at him saying that many housewives are eager to take photos with him.

'Kurukulla' was offered by Simone Ng and Eliza My during the zoom event. Simone has improved a lot. Her energy is different from Eliza. Simone sometimes felt timid and stepped back. Eliza wore different costumes in Kurukulla and Vajrayogini. Eliza wanted to help Simone to bring out her inner qualities. This pair is just like the elder sister helping and bringing younger sister out to play.

On the occasion, Charya dance 'Vajrayogini' was performed by Eliza My. Eliza said that she was in deep meditation while she was dancing Vajrayogini. She paid attention even to a tiny gesture. Also, she was aware of her breathing while dancing.

Dance on 'Vajrasattva' was supposed to be presented by Lau Monita and Eliza Lok Yee. Eliza Lok Yee has improved a lot with her dedication. We can observe that she and her partner have different inner qualities while dancing even though their gestures and movements are similar. Monita could not make it to the event. Monita shared with Dr Tina at the performance night that she was proud of Tina. She and Saldon were singing Singhamukha happily when Tina was dancing.

A dance on 'Prajnaparamita' by Ling Ling Lee attracted attention of many viewers. Ling Ling's performance was commended by all Hong Kong Sangha members. This is the first time Ling Ling performed a full dance with the Sangha.

A dance on 'Green Tara' was supposed to be introduced by Sophie and Chin Chin. Chin Chin was not able to show up that night. Sophie finally discovered her weakness in sense in space. She gained more confidence to practice full dance now when she practiced it line by line.

Dance on 'Yogini Mandala' was demonstrated by Saldon. Saldon practiced this dance starting from early September. She said that she chose this dance because she was not familiar with it. She wanted to understand it more deeply. She was focused on the Dakinis instead of being interactive with the audience when she was dancing.

Dance on 'Singhamukha' was displayed by Dr Tina Ho. She says:"I feel some sudden creative gestures especially when I paid attention to the music. The energy of the music drives me to be more expressive in some gestures and body movements, such as, the claw of Singhamukha, the swinging of waist and hip. The Sangha members feel like I was just like a kitten meowing. I think this may be because  I am still in the form of Singhamukha rather than in the real nature of this dance. The audience was enjoying in the joyful rhythm and music of this dance."

Meanwhile, in a statement, Dr Tina Ho of Hong Kong Dance Mandal Sangha has expressed her sincere gratitude to Guru Prajwal Vajracharya saying that the Guru has taught them nearly 20 Charya dances within the past two years.

Dr Ho added:"When I looked back on these years, from not having so much interaction to seeing each other on zoom multiple times a week, it is amazing."

"Many memorable moments we shared everywhere and you never feel bored. You have an energetic personality to drive us to a joyful and happy way of living. Your lineage is spiritual but practical, experienced, obviously and esoteric. It still has an enormous unveiled parts for us to explore and experience," Hong Kong Sangha's prominent activist went on saying. 

(With input from Hong Kong Dance Mandala's Dr Tina Ho)

 --Ihi Rituals of Two Newar Girls Organized at Portland's Baha --

Portland, Oct 12 (Nepal Oregon News): 8 year old Samata Shrestha from Seattle, Washington and Sophia Singh Tronstab from Hermiston, Oregon attended an Ihi ceremony held at the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara in Portland, Oregon on Monday, Oct 11, 2021.

The Ihi ceremony is an important part of lifecycle rituals of Newar women. The ceremony at Portland Baha was conducted by ritual master Pundit Prajwal Vajracharya.

Rev Guru Vajracharya says:"This ritual has been in practice since hundreds of years. The Ihi ceremony is a crucial part of Newar tradition where the young pre-adolescent girls make a commitment to the Bel fruit (wood apple). The Bel fruit has a peculiar quality of remaining fresh forever, healthy and long lasting. Wood apple tree can bring conscious mind."

--Shradh Rituals Performed in Honor of Late Maharjan --

Portland, Oct 11 (Nepal Oregon News): A 45th Day Shradh ritual ceremony was performed at the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara on Sunday, Oct 10, 2021 to honor late Jagat Maharjan.

Shradh ceremony was ritualized by Guru Prajwal Vajracharya in presence of late Maharjan's sons Prakash and Bikash. Barkhi Phukaya Yayegu (mourning period) ritual was also conducted by the Guruju.

Mamaki Puja was performed by Guru Vajracharya during the Shradh ceremony. The Shradh rituals are conducted so that the heavenly journey of the deceased soul after  death is comfortable and stress-free, says Guru Vajracharya. 

  --Virtual Program on 'Mudra & the Diamond Sphere' --

Portland, Oct 22 (Nepal Oregon News): A virtual program on "Mudra & the Diamond Sphere" was organized by Core of Culture, Chicago and hosted by Yangchenma Arts and Culture, California.

'The Mudra & the Diamond Spheres' series presented three short films, six live dance performances, and three dialogues with distinguished scholars working in the fields of Indic, Newar and Tibetan culture.

According to Joseph Houseal, director of Core of Culture, these films explored the mysteries, powers and evolution of mudra in tantric Buddhism, in order to illuminate the performance of the Vajradhatu ritual at Tabo monastery where Core of Culture will document their ancient ritual within a one thousand-year old Unesco world heritage site. 

During the program, there was a visceral artistic screen dance of three ancient sacred movement traditions: Indic, Newar and Tibetan.

Houseal further said:"Instead of an intellectual explanation of our work this past year in Indic, Newar and Tibetan endangered cultures, our project is offering new short dance films produced by artistic teams in Los Angeles, London, Montana and Europe."

On the occasion, among other performances, a Charya Nritya based on Nispannayogavali, Mahavairochana was brilliantly performed by Rev Guru Prajwal Vajracharya and chanted by Joshua Proto.

'Mudra & the Diamond Spheres' is a four-year initiative of Core of Culture, an organization assisting the preservation of Buddhist ritual heritage in dance and movement.

'Mudra & the Diamond Spheres' receives lead support from the Robert H N Ho Family Foundation and additional support  from the Kipper Family Foundation.

--Virtual Charya Nritya Course for Singaporeans --

Portland, Oct 26 (Nepal Oregon News):  A virtual, once-a-week Charya dance course is being organized by the Nritya Mandala Mahavihara on every Friday for the students of Singapore.

The ongoing virtual course for Singaporeans  focuses on the foundation part of the Charya dance.

Underscoring the relevance of Newar Buddhism, Rev Guru Prajwal Vajracharya of Portland's Nritya Mandala Mahavihara said that Charya dance and Newar Buddhism are intricately interrelated.

This course for Singaporeans lays the groundwork for all continued studies in the tradition of sacred Buddhist dance of Nepal, says Rev Guru Vajracharya.

Singaporean participants will learn the history of this ancient and medieval practice, and train our bodies in the movements, exercises, hand and foot mudras, and techniques that are the foundations of Charya dance and also will practice the Refuge and the 16 offering Goddess dances, added Guru Vajracharya.  


Akash Yogini is One of the Important Deities in Newar Vajrayana Buddhism, Says Prajwal Guruji

 By Dr Rabin Man Shakya Portland, Feb 7 (Nepal Oregon News):"Akash Yogini, who is one of the important deities in Newar Vajrayana Buddh...