Sunday, August 30, 2020

Bau Ya Khwa Swayagu: Newah People's Father's Day

Rabin Man Shakya

Even though we celebrate Mothers Day and Fathers Day in the United States, these days are totally different in terms of dates and cultural value comparing to Bau Ya Khwa Swayagu and Maa Ya Khwa Swayagu in Nepal. Here, in America, we the people from Nepal celebrate Nepalese Fathers Day, Nepalese Mothers Day as well as American Fathers Day and American Mothers Day.

There is no doubt that Nepal is a land of nakha - chakha (festivals). A number of festivals are celebrated in Nepal regularly every year. In fact, it will not be an exaggeration to say that more festivals are observed in Nepal than in any other countries.

Among many festivals, Bau Ya Khwa Swayagu (Day for looking at father's face - Father's Day) is also one of the important festivals of Nepal. This day which is celebrated  in Nepal on the day of Kushe Aunshi (late August - early September) is a testimony to the honor and respect the sons and daughters offer to their dads.

Beauty of Nepal lies in the fact  that Nepal is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual country having more than 70 ethnic communities all of whom have their own festivals, culture, traditions and languages. Nepalese Fathers Day is celebrated by different Nepalese ethnic communities in their own way.

Home-cooked delicacies, sweets cakes and other delicious foods are offered to the fathers by daughters and sons. On this day, the narrow streets of Kathmandu are full of extended sweet meat shops. And also, married daughters are seen going to their father's home with goodies and sweet-meats.

The Nepalese Hindus - whose fathers have deceased - offer foods to them by doing Shraddha Puja, a traditional ritual to the deceased. Similarly, the Nepalese Hindus observe this festival by offering prayers to the Shiva temple at Gokarna while the Newah Buddhists go to Jana Bahal (Seto Machhindranath or White Tara) temple in down town Kathmandu.

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