Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Non-resident Nepalese Association (NRNA) USA Oregon Chapter & Nepali Association of Oregon (NAO) Organize Interaction on "Current Nepalese Politics and Diplomacy" in Portland, America

Dr Rabin Man Shakya

Portland, Aug 29 (Nepal Oregon News): An interaction program with Bal Bahadur Kunwar on "Current Nepalese  Politics and Diplomacy" was organized on Tuesday Aug 28, 2018 at Nekusing Memorial Theater(West Coast Taekwondo Hollywood) in Portland jointly by Nepali Association of Oregon (NAO) and Non-resident Nepalese Association, USA's Oregon Chapter.

Kunwar who is a Nepali Congress party leader is former Nepali ambassador to Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Similarly, he was also the member of parliament of Nepal.

Welcoming the guests, president of NAO Bharat Banskota expressed the view that the interaction program will benefit the Nepalese Portlanders to better understand the ongoing political situation in Nepal.

Speaking on the occasion, diplomat and politician Mr Kunwar said that there is a tremendous role of diplomacy in keeping up detente.

Similarly, talking about Oregon's contribution to Nepal's development efforts, Kunwar threw light on Oregonian Prof Dr. Hugh Wood's role in upgrading Nepal's education system in 1960s.

Pointing to disputes between the countries in South Asia, Kunwar said regional problems and disputes must be solved by diplomacy, not by confrontations.

Speaking about the political instability and economic backwardness of Nepal, Kunwar said the political actors of Nepal should be clean and honest to the people.

When it came to the geo-political situation of Nepal, Kunwar said that Nepal should be able to take benefit from being a transit point  between two of the ten largest economies in the world.

Addressing the gathering, Kunwar said that the political parties and politicians should rise above the petty partisan interests and get down to real soul-searching for finding ways to improve the life of the ordinary Nepalese  people.

Underlining the importance of young, educated and energetic politicians of the nation, he gave an example of Denmark where majority of politicians are young.

He expressed the view that destiny has driven Nepal to assume the role of a yam between two big stones, that is why Nepal should be able to carry out balanced diplomacy with India and China.

Mr. Kunwar called upon the Nepalese Portlanders and NRNs to mobilize resources and expertize for the development of Nepal.

At the end of the interaction, Mr. Kunwar answered the questions of the participants. Replying to a question of a journalist from Nepal Oregon News, Mr Kunwar said:"World peace, friendship among nations and peoples' solidarity are very essential to make the world a safe place to live." He then added that peace and diplomacy must always prevail over violence and intolerance.

Most of the questions of the participants were focused on how Nepalese living in different countries of the world can help in the development of Nepal.

The participants included the representatives of NAO, Nepa Chhen,  NRN-USA-NCC Oregon  chapter, Nepal Oregon News and other Nepalese living in Portland and its periphery.

Delivering vote of thanks, president of NRN-NCC-USA Oregon chapter  as well as the owner and director of Hollywood Taekwondo School Diwakar Maharjan said that just as NRNs investments are important to Nepal's future, an engaged NRNs are vital to our prosperity too.

Speaking about NRNs, Maharjan underlined the need for separate lane for Nepalese holding foreign passports at the arrival department of the Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu.

(Nepal Oregon News writer Rabin Man Shakya is a Nepali journalist in America)

Monday, August 27, 2018

First Ever Nepali Buri Janko (Bhimratharohan) of a Newah Personality Organized at Nritya Mandala Mahavihara in Portland, USA

Dr. Rabin Man Shakya

A senior age "Janko" religious ceremony of Maa Padma Laxmi Karanjit was held at Nritya Mandala Mahavihara, Portland on Friday, Aug 2018.

Ms. Padma Laxmi is the mother of Pramod Karanjit, who is the general secretary of Nepa Chhen, a non-profit organization of Nepali community in Oregon and who is also the co-owner of the Indian restaurant "Namaste" in downtown Portland.

It is to be noted that this is the first ever Newah style Bhimratharohan of a Newah personality  ritualized at a Newah Buddhist temple and by a Vajracharya Guruju in the USA.

(Meanwhile, some observers have falsely and wrongly claimed that Uma Sthapit's Buri Janko is the first ever in the USA. Make no mistake: Padma Laxmi Karanjit's Bhimratharohan was held long before Uma Sthapit's. Just for the record, an American couple's Bura Buri Janko was held even before the janko of Padma Laxmi. Pundit Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya of Nritya Mandala Mahavihara, Portland who ritualized and solemnized all those Janko ceremonies can confirm about it.) (Details added on 01-14-21)

Similarly, on the same day, the bratabandha ceremony of Pramod's son Dennis Karanjit was also held at the Vihara in Portland.

Janko rituals of Maa Padma Laxmi and bratabandha rituals of Dennis were performed by Guruju Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya at Portland's  Nritya Mandala Mahavihara which is the only Newah style Buddhist temple in the USA.

Janko related rituals such as Homa Puja, Nag Puja, Kalash Puja and Bali Puja were ritualized by Prajwal Guruju including the Bratabandha Puja. Likewise, Baran Chhuyegu and Sagan Bigu rituals were also performed on the occasion.

The Bajrayana Buddhist Tuta hymns like Dashparamita, Stuta Mapi, Maha Manjushree Naam Sangiti and Bandeshree were also performed by Daya Ratna Shakya, Pradeep Bajracharya and Rabin Man Shakya on the occasion.

The religious ceremony of the Janko and Bratabandh at Portland's Nritya Mandala Mahavihara is a testimony to the fact that the Nepalese Portlanders are keen to preserve the traditional and ritual values of the Newah culture.

 One of the very important ritual part of Janko ceremony is the parading of the honored person around the vicinity in a large procession. So, Maa Padma Laxmi was once again treated like a bride and was carried on a colorful chariot-like vehicle around the streets of Portland close to Nritya Mandala Mahavihara. The Janko parade  with Newah style Dhime baja music was accompanied by Guruju Prajwal, honoree's family members and a a lot of  Nepalese Portlanders as well as guests coming from Canada.

According to Prajwal Guruju, "When a man or woman turns 77 years, 7 months, 7 days, and 7 hours, there is a special ceremony to perform. The Janko observance calls on the Goddess of long life - Usnisavijaya - to purify Karma and bestow the blessing of good health and long life span."

Ms. Padma Laxmi Karanjit, who was born on October 31, 1938, came to the United States several years ago because one of her sons, Pramod, and one of her daughters, Bijaya, had been living in the US for almost 15 years.

When Maa Padma Laxmi was asked to shed light on her Janko celebration, she said "This is a gift of my rebirth and ascending the chariot - the Bhimaratharohan - riding the great vehicle of success in life by following the traditional ritual."

A gala dinner reception of Janko as well as Bratabandha was organized the next day, August 25, 2018, at the hall of German American Society in Portland.

Daya Shakya, vice president of World Newah Organization threw light on the importance of Janko ceremony at the program which was conducted by Sagar Sharma from Calgary, Canada.

A number of Newah dances were also presented on the occasion which was attended by hundreds of guests including the office bearers and representatives of Nepali Association of Oregon (NAO), Nepa Chen and Non-resident Nepali Association of USA, Oregon Chapter and Nepal Oregon News. A slide show depicting the life of Maa Padma Laxmi was also presented on the occasion.

(Rabin Man Shakya is a Nepali journalist in America)

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Role of Nepa Chhen in Portland's Nepali Community in USA

Dr Rabin Man Shakya

Portland, Aug 19 (Nepal Oregon News): In Nepal Bhasa, which is the language of the Newah people of Nepal, Nepa Chhen means a Nepal House. Nepa Chhen is the outcome of the lofty ideals of some enthusiastic Nepalese community members in Portland to create a permanent house for community events, focus on culture, language, sports activities etc. It is to be noted that Nepa Chhen was established in November 2012 in Portland under the chairmanship of Rajesh Maharjan.

Dissemination and development of Nepalese culture, language and literature is the prime concern of Nepa Chhen. Its establishment six years ago was guided not only by the objectives of promoting language and literature among  the community but also by creating a forum that provides authentic information to the local Americans about rich Nepalese arts and culture. Thus, Nepa Chhen intends to build a cultural bridge between the Nepalese and the American people.

Nepa Chhen champions the cause of enhancing and enriching the cultural and linguistic activities and will be instrumental not only in implementing its stated objectives, but will also present its credentials as a uniting force of the Nepalese community in Oregon. Raison d' etre of the Nepa Chhen is the growing awareness  of the community to preserve its identity, culture and traditions and this probably is Nepa Chhen's quintessential aspect. We should never forget that the name, objectives and motto of an organization define its identity.

It goes without saying that an organization like Nepa Chhen gives a true identity and uniqueness to the local community and that the community members interact with each other. And, yes, there is no doubt that the culture, traditions and customs of the people are determining factors in identifying the plans, programs and objectives of a non-profit community organization like Nepa Chhen.

Since its inception, Nepa Chhen has been carrying out programs like Mha Puja, Nepal Sambat, Bijaya Dasami, Lhosar, Vikram Sambat and summer picnics and so on, but local observers feel that Nepa Chhen, apart from these activities should also rise above them and genuinely get down to the business of accomplishing its mission. Local observers, however, feel that there is a little bit of slackness in the momentum. If the local Nepalese community leaders in Portland really want to build a permanent house for community events, they should make it a top priority, they must do some soul-searching about an infusion of new blood in the organization.

The remarkable programs which were organized by the Nepa Chhen in 2017 included, among others, the concerts of Ani Chhoying and Anju Pant. In fact, the past year has been one of the years with energy, enthusiasm and growth, but local community observers are not seeing anything coming out this year so far.

The challenges facing Nepa Chhen are indeed formidable since it has to carry out so many activities apart from building a permanent house for the community. Despite financial constraints, Nepa Chhen has been carrying out some publicity projects, such as, publication of newsletter and distribution of Nepa Chhen calendars etc. These  are some of the things which can be termed as a modest feather in Nepa Chhen's cap.

Nepal's culture offers a wide spectrum in terms of cuisines, utensils, attires, ornaments and musical instruments, just to mention a few. Nepa Chhen therefore should be able to organize exhibition of Nepalese food festivals. It should promote Nepal's languages and literature by organizing language classes whenever possible by holding seminars and symposiums on culture and festivals. Nepa Chhen should be able to inculcate values of culture, language and traditions on new generations.
Since the success of Nepa Chhen will depend not only on generous financial donations of different individuals and organizations, but on its right policies, vision and strategies too, therefore its future moves and modus operandi should be based on ground realities to suit the changing time and circumstances.

Even couple of decades ago, different Nepalese festivals being observed in various cities of the US and other countries was unimaginable. Today, for example, Yenya Punhi is celebrated in various US cities with Pulu Kisi dance, masked Lakhey dance, Kumari chariot procession with Dhime bajan. Even in the 1980s, I was in the former Soviet Union in cities like Minsk, Odessa and Donetsk where the Nepalese students had established Nepali Students Associations and used to celebrate occasions like Bijaya Dasami and National Democracy Day performing various Nepalese songs and dances. For me, it is just a deja vu that we have community organizations like Nepali Association of Oregon and Nepa Chhen in Portland, Oregon.  Today the rapid process of globalization and development of technology have turned the whole world into a small global village.

It is a matter of great satisfaction that in the past Nepa Chhen celebrated group Mha Puja and Nepal Sambat New Year  with big enthusiasm and much fanfare and hopefully this tradition will continue in the future too. It is to be noted that Nepal Sambat - a national lunar calendar of Nepal - kicked off in 879 AD during the rule of King Raqhav Dev to commemorate the reimbursement all the debts of the Nepalese people by a Newar trader Shankhadhar Sakhwa who was declared a national hero of Nepal on Nov 18, 1999 by the then His Majesty's Government of Nepal.
Although Nepal Sambat was declared  a national era of Nepal in 2008 AD by the government of Nepal, this Sambat has still not been given full recognition and not been used for all practical purposes in Nepal. Thus, Nepal Sambat New Year should be celebrated in Nepal and various parts of the world to remind the government of Nepal to respect and give  due recognition to it.
Celebration of Nepal Sambat in Nepal and in other countrieis of the world is a chance for the advocates of Nepal Sambat to raise voice for bringing Nepal Sambat into use as Nepal's official national calendar, and remind the government of Nepal that Nepal Sambat be declared a public holiday, Nepal Sambat be printed on banknotes and coins.

Nepal Sambat was grossly neglected not only during the rule of Rana oligarchy but during the 30 years period of Panchayat regime too. Even today after the declaration of Nepal as a federal Republic, Nepal Sambat has not been given full state level honor and recognition that it deserves. In such conditions, the advocates of Nepal Sambat should  leave no stone unturned to voice their opinion in rational and convincing manner, should strive  to build the broader public opinion for its cause. They should make optimum use of media, digital media as well as social media for making a convincing case for it.

Overall, there is a sense that despite all the gains (Nepal Sambat being declared national era, all of Nepal's languages being declared national languages, Shankhadhar Sakhwa being declared hero of Nepal and and being commemorated in stamps, road signs in Kathmandu being posted in Nepal Bhasa, all major mainstream daily newspapers of Nepal mentioning Nepal Sambat date below the masthead) in recent decades, Nepal's political, social and economic trajectory is still highly uncertain. It looks like even after the ouster of monarchy and after the launching of federal democratic governance, the people of Nepal are still disillusioned with the modus operandi of the mainstream political parties.

However, the forthcoming sixth anniversary of the Nepa Chhen is a solemn occasion for the Nepalese in Oregon to reaffirm our commitment to preserve and safeguard  Nepalese culture and traditions. Thus, launching of the Nepa Chhen six years ago epitomizes the eagerness of Nepalese community members in Portland and beyond to create a permanent forum for community events, to focus on culture, festivals and traditions.

Therefore, judging by the past performance and activities, it is evident that Nepa Chhen is a formidable force in the Nepalese community in Oregon and it is hoped that the scope and role of Nepa Chhen is getting to be vital.

(Rabin Man Shakya is a Nepali journalist in America)

Akash Yogini is One of the Important Deities in Newar Vajrayana Buddhism, Says Prajwal Guruji

 By Dr Rabin Man Shakya Portland, Feb 7 (Nepal Oregon News):"Akash Yogini, who is one of the important deities in Newar Vajrayana Buddh...