Thursday, June 22, 2017

Nepa Chhen, a Nepalese non-profit, Organizes Ani Choying Concert in Portland, USA

By Dr Rabin Man Shakya, 

Portland, June 19 (Nepal Oregon News): A concert by spiritual singer Ani Drolma Choying "Healing Melodies from the Himalayas" was organized by Nepa Chhen - a nonprofit Nepalese community organization in Oregon - at Central Lutheran Church, Portland on June 18, 2017.

Daya Shakya speaking on the occasion

Under the theme of "Unity and Hope", the Himalayan melodies concert sponsored by Nepa Chhen was amazing, unique and unprecedented. That was the conclusive view of some of the audience - both Nepalese as well as Americans - about the concert.

Ani Choying and Nhyoo Bajracharya during the concert in Portland, USA.

In fact, it was not just a concert. Charya dances performed by the artistes of  Nritya Mandala Mahavihara, Portland was also presented before the start of Ani Choying concert.

The unique Charya dance is performed by the Bajracharya Guvajus at the Buddhist Mahaviharas of the Kathmandu valley during the important ritual and religious ceremonies of the Shakyas and Bajracharyas.

(Charya nritya dance 'Pancha Buddha' being performed by Helen Appell, Anna Shustrova, Linda Marshall, Anastasia Roderick and Alex Hirch.)

The unique and amazing Charya dance 'Pancha Buddha' on the occasion was performed by the artistes of Portland's Nritya Mandala Mahavihara: Helen Appell, Anna Shustrova, Linda Marshall, Anastasia Roderick and Alex Hirch.

After the group Charya dance, another fabulous ritual Charya dance "Green Tara" was performed by artiste Uppa Shakya.

Charya nritya dance Green Tara being performed by Uppa Shakya.

A number of Nepalese Portlanders, Nepalese living in other cities of Oregon and numerous local Americans showed up at the concert program of Ani Choying. Also present at the concert program, were officials and activists of Nritya Mandala Mahavihara, Nepa Chhen, Nepali Association of Oregon, NRN NCC USA Oregon Chapter and Nepal Oregon News.

The other members of the Ani team were Nhyoo Bajracharya, a noted music composer, Ramesh Maharjan, a flautist and Gopal Rasaili, a guitarist.

It is to be noted that Ani Choying was appointed UNICEF Nepal's first ever national ambassador in 2014.

According to Ani herself, her songs are based on Himalayan Buddhist tradition. The day on which the concert was organized in Portland coincided with the Fathers Day. Ani Choying wished Happy Fathers Day to all the audience, adding "But a mother is the best friend of kids and that a mother faces a lot of agonies raising her kids."

On the occasion, Ani presented a song "Aama Aama Bhaner Hunna" dedicated to the mothers of the world. It is to be noted that Ani entered monastic life in Nepal as a means of escape from her physically abusive father.

During the concert, Ani Choying gave a spirited rendition of "Phulko Aankhama Phulai Sansar." Judging by the songs presented during the concert, it is quite obvious that there is unprecedented softness in the voice of Buddhist rockstar nun.

Ani's songs in the concert were basically meditational melodies. Her song "Batuwa" was very compassionate and thought-provoking.

Likewise, during the concert, Ani also chanted "Om Mani Padme Hum", the Bodhisattwo of compassion.

No doubt, Ani has become a house-hold name in Nepal for her famous melody "Phulko Aankhama". Among 12 pop albums to her credit, some were also for sale during the concert.

Addressing the concert, Buddhist rockstar nun Ani said that her team is spreading word of wisdom of Lord Buddha through spiritual music.

Lord Buddha was born in Nepal and we are proud of this, she said adding "Rather than harping on it, this is the time for the Nepalese to do some soul-searching and ask themselves how far we have translated and implemented the Buddhist philosophy into our day to day practical life.

The program host on the occasion was advisor of Nepa Chhen (NC) Daya Shakya who said that it was an honest endeavor of the Nepalese community organization to provide a glimpse of Nepalese culture to the Portlanders.

According to CNN, Ani has performed around the world -- including to an audience of 20,000 in Tibet last Easter -- counts superstars like Tina Turner and Tracy Chapman among her fans, and her biography "Singing For Freedom", first published in French in 2008, has been translated into 15 languages.

Portland's Naveena Shakya chatting with Choying after the concert.

(Nepal Oregon News writer Rabin Man Shakya is a Nepali journalist in America)

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ani Choying, other Nepalese Musicians felicitated in Portland, USA

By Dr Rabin Man Shakya

Portland, June 15 (Nepal Oregon News): A program was organized Wednesday,  June 14, 2017 by Nepa Chhen, a non-profit Nepali community organization based in Portland, at Nekusing Memorial Theater,(US West Coast Taekwondo Hollywood) Portland to honor a cultural team from Nepal which consisted of Ani Drolma Choying, a spiritual singer and Nhyoo Bajracharya, a noted music composer.

(Nepa Chhen president Rajesh Maharjan with Ani Choying)

Other members of the cultural delegation are Raman Maharjan, a flute player and Gopal Rasaili, a guitarist.

It is to be noted that Ani was appointed UNICEF Nepal's first ever national ambassador in April 2014.

(NAO president Ganga Sharma and Ani Choying)

Under the theme of "Unity and Hope", the team is planning to perform a concert "Healing Melodies from the Himalayas" at the Central Luthran Church, Portland on June 18, 2017.

President of Nepali Association of Oregon Ms Ganga Sharma, president of NRN-NCC-USA Oregon chapter and renowned taekwondo guru Diwakar Maharjan and president of Nepa Chhen Rajesh Maharjan felicitated the team members by wrapping Khada on them.

Similarly, Ms Helen Appel of Nritya Mandal Mahavihara, Portland and others also felicitated the team members by wrapping the Khadas.

(Ani Choying singing during the event)

Addressing the program, Buddhist rockstar nun Ani Choying said that her team is spreading word of wisdom of Lord Buddha through spiritual music.

Lord Buddha was born in Nepal and we are proud of this, she said adding "Rather than harping on it, this is the time for the Nepalese to do some soul-searching and ask themselves how far we have translated and implemented the Buddhist philosophy into our day to day practical life."

Speaking on the occasion, noted musician Nhyoo Bajracharya who is also one of the judges of the Nepal Idol, a Nepali reality TV singing competition, underlined the need for internationalizing the Nepalese music and songs.

On the occasion, Ani Choying gave a spirited rendition of "Phulko Aankhama" and some other songs while flautist Raman Maharjan played a musical tune of "Rajamati" together with guitarist Gopal Rasaili.

Dinner was served at the end of the program which was attended by about 70 Nepalese Portlanders and some American guests as well. 

 Among them were the office bearers and representatives of Nepa Chhen, Nritya Mandala Mahavihara, Nepali Association of Oregon, NRNA USA Oregon chapter and Nepal Oregon News.

The Nepa Chhen program was conducted by its advisor Daya Shakya.

(Nepa Chhen advisor Daya Shakya speaking at the event)

(NRNA Oregon Chapter president Diwakar Maharjan greeting musician Nhyoo Bajracharya)

***Portland based journalist Dr Rabin Man Shakya is the former associate editor of The Rising Nepal.

Akash Yogini is One of the Important Deities in Newar Vajrayana Buddhism, Says Prajwal Guruji

 By Dr Rabin Man Shakya Portland, Feb 7 (Nepal Oregon News):"Akash Yogini, who is one of the important deities in Newar Vajrayana Buddh...